A. Overview
This island was named by the community, "Marsegu Island", because it has so many species of bats. The word "marsegu" comes from the local language which means bat. Marsegu Island is not scary, on the contrary a variety of beauty can be found there.
Island forest areas or islands Marsegu bats are a protected forest area defined by Minister of Forestry Number: 10327/Kpts-II/2002, December 30, 2002. Area of forest on the island reached 240.20 ha.
Forest on the island, divided into three groups, namely young secondary forest, secondary forest and old secondary forest middle. The types of flora that dominates is Gofasa (Vitex cofassus), Belo Hitam (Diospyros pilosanthera), Banyan (Ficus sp), Papaya Forest (Brachychiton discolor), Kuboha (Sterculia Ceramica), Berabu Mango (Cerbera manghas), Wood Stone (Maranthes co). Half the island is a mangrove forest areas with different types.
B. FeatureIn this forest encountered a lot of bats. Can be found also many endemic species of protected birds like charred (Megaphodius Reinwadrtii) and coconut crabs (Birgus latro) which in the language of the region called the "canary crabs."
With the variety of wildlife and vegetation types, visitors as well as to learn about many things about different kinds of environment that exists in this Marsegu Island.
C. LocationAdministratively Marsegu Island forest area included in the District of West Seram, Central Maluku Province.

To go to the Island Marsegu, from the city of Ambon as Central Maluku provincial capital, can be reached via the route:
From Ambon to Hunimua, use public transportation at a cost of Rp. 7000. Then the journey continues from Hunimua to Waipirit who has been on the island of Seram, using the boat for 1.5 hours. From Waipirit proceed toward the Pelita Jaya, with the distance 56 km. Next to the area within a Forest Island Marsegu sea lane along the ± 5 km.
E. AdmissionAny visitors are not charged admission.
F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
The visitors can enjoy various kinds of seafood (seafood), whether obtained by way of fishing your own or buy from the communities around the island.
At this location there are two fresh water wells are usually used by visitors, as well as the public for drinking, bathing and washing
Source URL: http://doradadama.blogspot.com/2011/05/forest-tourism-marsegu-maluku-islands.htmlVisit Celebrity News for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection